VirtaMove Blogs

Read the latest posts on migration intelligence from the experts at Virtamove. 

Welcome to 2019!

An Exciting Year for Windows Server Technology There’s something exciting about a new year, a new beginning. Everything gets refreshed. New plans, new budgets, new projects. For a while, we all stop procrastinating and we embrace possibilities and the future. The year...

Containers Are Not a Windows Server Migration Panacea

Why Containerization Alone Won’t Solve the Problem of Running Legacy Applications on Modern Windows Servers When it comes to moving workloads to a cloud-hosted VM or to new datacenter servers, companies are being sold that containerization is a panacea. It isn’t. At...

Why Migrating Windows Server Applications By Hand is Hard!

Let’s begin at the beginning: at the start of the life cycle of a Windows Server application. Applications begin life for a specific version of the Windows operating system; for example, WS2003 or WS2008. They’re installed on a server using an install script, which...

Application Discovery: Why It Matters

Complying with new data protection regulations, such as GDPR rules, requires application visibility across your datacenter. Global corporate security breaches have also created a need to get continuous visibility of what apps you’re running. If you consider that world...

Moving Legacy Workloads to the Cloud

From time to time we’re asked whether we can help move legacy workloads to the cloud. Most customers want to move older applications to AWS, Azure, or Google’s GCP platform. Of course, the answer is Yes. Cloud onboarding of legacy Windows Server applications is a...