VirtaMove Blogs

Read the latest posts on migration intelligence from the experts at Virtamove. 

Onboarding of Legacy Applications to the Cloud

By now, astute consumers of Cloud Computing media realize that hype on the subject is reaching peak levels. However, one Cloud topic might be achieving stratospheric levels of misinformation, hyperbole, and jargon. This topic is the “holy grail of Cloud”: Onboarding...

The Automated Migration of Windows Server Applications

Migrating and modernizing Microsoft Windows Server applications is a daunting task for many IT organizations. During the last 15 years, physical and virtual server platforms have exploded in number and diversity. Most DevOps teams struggle to manage a mix of Windows...

IIS and SQL Migration Use Cases

VirtaMove can help with Microsoft IIS and SQL migration. Both Microsoft IIS and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and above are excellent candidates for migration using VirtaMove. Getting off to a good start is important when facing the daunting challenge of eliminating...

Help Guide Us to the Promised Land

At VirtaMove, we work closely with customers to understand business requirements and drivers. The future road map and enhancement list for our products is driven by how customers use our solutions. VirtaMove technology has helped in Banking, Finance, Pharmaceutical,...

Automating Legacy Modernizations with Migration Containers

The relentless doubling of compute horsepower every 18 - 24 months known as Moore’s Law is one of the trends that has shaped the IT industry. Machine virtualization and cloud computing have combined to reduce the time it takes to create a new machine that harnesses...

Five Tips For Troubleshooting Application Migrations

In our last technical post, we covered migrating custom or bespoke applications where the source code may be missing. In this post, I will cover the topic of troubleshooting application migrations and discuss basic troubleshooting tools and techniques to use in your...

5 Keys to a Successful W2K3 Migration

Meet Scott Slater, Senior Solutions Architect at VirtaMove. Scott is offering 5 key tips for a successful WS2K3 migration. Scott has been one busy guy since joining VirtaMove in 2013. With Windows Server 2003 end of extended support looming on July 14, 2015, he’s been...

Windows Server 2003 Migration, Up-Level Migrations

New Whitepaper At VirtaMove we spend much of our days advising our customers on how to remediate their risk of running Windows Server 2003 servers after it reaches the end of extended support this summer. To help, we have compiled some of our best thinking into a...