VirtaMove Blogs

Read the latest posts on migration intelligence from the experts at Virtamove. 

RHEL 5.11 Extended Life Cycle Support Ends Soon

If your team uses Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or 6, you likely know that RHEL 5.11 Extended Life Cycle Support will be discontinued on November 30, 2020 and that release 6 will be entering its ELS phase on the same day. RHEL 5.11 Extended Life Cycle Support was made...

Should I Containerize a Legacy App?

All applications need to evolve and move forward. Many legacy applications can be containerized. The question is, should you containerize a legacy app? Where does it make sense and where doesn’t it provide the path forward for your old app? Remember, “just because you...

Cloud Onboarding with VirtaMove: 7 Steps to Success

This blog explores the issues that you’re likely to encounter when you move legacy applications to hosted Clouds. These or similar issues surface for all major Clouds, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. It’s no small feat to onboard complex applications their...

Shift to the Future: OpenShift 4.4 and Legacy Apps

For some time VirtaMove has been urging enterprises to address their legacy application deficit and shift their Windows and Linux app stacks to new, faster, more secure servers. Now, with the surging interest in containers and container technology, the industry...

Is It Time to Containerize Legacy Applications?

Is it a good idea to containerize legacy applications today? For three years now, IT teams have experimented with Windows Docker Containers on WS2016 and WS2019. We all like the promise of portability and scalability that comes with containerizing applications. We’re...

It’s Time to Fall in Love with Legacy Apps All Over Again

Complacency set in. You’ve been joined at the hip for years and have a dependency. But you’ve ignored them. Forgotten them. Now, you hardly know them. There’s a gap, a knowledge gap. It’s time to re-establish a relationship and fall in love all over again. Legacy...

Less Talk, More Action on Legacy Apps

It’s time to act and start addressing the technical deficit of Legacy Windows Server applications Not sure why IT became so clogged with Legacy Windows Server applications? It could be because: outsourcing became a trend in the Great Recession of 2008; turnover of IT...