For years, customers have been taking advantage of VirtaMove containers to solve a range of business challenges in the datacenter management sphere.
1. Isolate applications
In industries like Insurance, Healthcare, Pharma, and Banking, customers must verify compliance to rigorous, auditable standards. Once an app is certified, making changes requires a time consuming and expensive recertification process. To avoid recertification, customers containerize legacy apps and run them in isolation on new OS and servers. Containerization allows customers to run several close variations of apps, each dependent on unique but similar software stacks on the same server.
2. Create exact application images for development
If apps are containerized, it’s easy to create exact images on new OSs such as Windows Server WS2012, WS2016, or WS2019. This eliminates the need to worry about recreating an installation process. Containerization accelerates the development and testing of new software by making it easy to create identical copies of the software on both datacenter and cloud servers.
3. Store master copies of applications for distribution
Once apps are containerized using VirtaMove, backup copies of the containerized apps can be stored for recovery, packaging, or distribution purposes. The master copy of an app stored in a container can be used to create a fresh, decluttered installation of an app, free of malware or other exposures.
Read the Blog: VirtaMove – It’s Not Just Application Modernization
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Valerie is a seasoned content writer and editor in the tech domain.