Can You Still Move IT Infrastructure Forward?
Outsourcing can save money. However, there are many risks associated with outsourced IT. It can take weeks to get approval for minor operational changes, such as new server access, security adjustments, and communications port access. The loss of agility and the inflexibility that comes with outsourced IT make it challenging to achieve app modernization and move critical business infrastructure forward. If you lose speed, innovation, and security in IT, you risk losing everything to your competitors.
It’s unwise to outsource services that are strategic to a business. An efficient and agile IT operations environment is strategic to any business’s future success. Keeping control of operations and building a flexible adaptive infrastructure will pay significant long-term dividends.
What If IT Is Outsourced?
You probably know that it isn’t good practice to run business-critical applications on ancient, unpatched operating systems. If you suffer from outsourced IT operations and you lack the budget and resources to undertake a big app redevelopment project, it’s still possible to both successfully modernize apps and defer costs by thinking outside the migration box.
Think Outside the Migration Box with VirtaMove
Moving apps to a new OS and new, faster servers provides a path forward without committing big spending on redevelopment and licensing and without having to retrain staff. It’s “the best first move” in app modernization.
Moving apps now buys time to plan and implement redevelopment later. When the time is right, you’ll be able to build a new app using modern tools available on a modern OS. You’re not forced into application redevelopment right now just because you want to run on modern servers.
For a modest investment compared to a rebuild project, modern servers get you immediate and significant benefits. You can manage server workloads using modern cloud management and DevOps tools. New, faster servers mean better performance.
Automate Your Migration Methodology
Automating your migration methodology using VirtaMove intelligent migration software means that you can still make progress despite sluggish IT operations.
An automated methodology lets you address ongoing modernization in a repeatable way, with multitasking on your side. Putting several apps in the migration queue on a continuous basis means that you can feasibly get one hundred migrations accomplished in one year, for less than you would spend on a per migration basis. When you automate steps in your migration methodology, you save weeks and months of time and need fewer skilled resources to get more done.
Automation Saves Weeks Upfront and During Migration
Automation means that much of the work involved in migration is done for you, and done upfront. Automatic migration audits report on any infrastructure requirements or possible migration issues so you can identify blocking issues immediately and work on addressing them. You’ll find requirements and issues upfront instead of during a critical migration window. Even if your outsourced IT is slow to respond, you’ll have saved weeks of time in finding the issues early in the migration process.
VirtaMove automatically captures an application and all its dependencies in a migration container, learning about the app, its functions, and components via use while it’s tethered. Capturing the entire app and creating migration templates dramatically shorten testing cycles.
Application downtime is eliminated because app learning and fixes are done upfront, while VirtaMove creates the migration template. Cutover to production is done seamlessly, in hours only.
VirtaMove automated migration saves months of time and tons of money, even if your IT operations are outsourced. Automation is particularly on your side if your organization suffers from a lack of adaptability and speed. If you’re ready to modernize your Windows Server or Linux applications or would like to understand Migration Intelligence, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We move apps to new, secure operating systems every day and are pleased to share what we know.