A whitepaper about automated vs. manual application migration. Many IT shops face aging server applications and unsupported platforms, coupled with budget and resource constraints that delay Windows modernization efforts. Moving applications to a new machine and new OS historically followed a manual approach: manual re-installation, reconfiguration, data migration, and scripting. The manual approach is labor intensive and time consuming, costly, error prone, and doesn’t scale. VirtaMove up-level automated migration offers an alternative solution that can ensure momentum and dramatically speeds up results for Windows modernization projects, quickly, effectively, and on budget.
This whitepaper discusses:
- The three applications used in the comparison studies and VirtaMove’s testing methodology.
- Test results: VirtaMove automated migration was dramatically more productive and faster in all cases. It was more than twice as fast as manual migration for one application, more than four times faster for the second server application, and succeeded for the third migration where manual migration failed entirely.
- The benefits of automated migration.
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